Tweedlee Tweedlum

Never explain yourself to anyone. Because the person who likes you doesn’t need it and the person who doesn’t like you won’t believe it…

I don’t get him. I seriously dont . Its Pete again and his acting up . What does he want from me ? I mean you give and give and give. Take all the blame and then where does that leave you ??? Hurt! Bruised! Wrong it leaves you dead 💀

You overlook the lies. Oh I forgot … Pete is a man once dated . I mean his got the looks , hardworking nature ,a go getter and all that women such for , but he can be such a chauvinistic bastard. 💁

So I overlook all the lies and I try to convince myself its him trying to really impress me . When in real sense I don’t need that … I was all along smitten and bleeding love . The thing about his lies his always overdoing it and where there’s two parties he could switch positions and tell me… The favourable side of the story .

Then the pangs of jealousy kicked in. He’s always breathing on my shoulder on whoever I’m texting or getting calls from. He would constantly rummage through my bag searching for clues. He would get pissed if I’m all dressed up and he wasn’t there 😿😿😿.He would get soooo pissed at the selfies I’d take with other men .

And then one night at his place . I’m all for a very interesting night …. So I’m all dressed up and he comes home all drunk and accusses me of cheating and starts battering me .Throwing kicks .And as I lay there I couldn’t help but thank God that isn’t the man that I tied the knot to and I smiled😉


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Everything you’ve acquired to this very moment has been for the evolution of your soul.

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